Welcome to my site! I'm Ash and I'm an artist and photographer who was raised by the beaches of lower Delaware and entered adult life in Baltimore, MD.

I create artwork from several mediums: Digital, Traditional, and Mixed Media. I've taken one drawing elective in college, but mostly I'm self taught with very little training. Both of my parents are artists and I grew up watching them work. We had a family store in Delaware for a handful of years that was largely managed by my grandmother, Georgette, but was brainchilded by my father into a baseball themed art store called Out of the Blue. I worked there with my grandmother on weekends and learned a lot about business practice, namely hospitality, through her. Of my two parents, my mother was the greater of the influences on my own personal work. Whatever the theme, and whether or not she understood it, she always encouraged me to draw what I liked to draw and not to give up. And boy did I want to give up because drawing hands is a nightmare all these years later!

I'm a chronically ill artist, whose disabilities include being in chronic pain and limited mobility at times as well as having an alarmingly low functioning immune system and permanent damage from Lyme's Disease. Unfortunately there's very little that can be done for me medically and affordably, so I art to remember my place in the world...in a world that seems to suggest there is no place for people like me.

I look to mythology, to nature, to all of the stories that influence and enthrall my imagination (hospital beds can really be a liminal space for brainstorming for those stories and places, and I've occupied so many), and apply them to my work. Which is, admittedly, all over the place at times and my style changes depending on the medium.

Art is a dangerous business. I never know what might come through or what work needs doing. It's personal, it's hard to share sometimes, but it's proof I'm alive. And sometimes something I create touches another person, is something they needed to see or feel, and that makes it all worth everything.

Want to see what I'm up to? Check out my Blog and my Events page! And see what prints and other offerings I have available at my etsy store!

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